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The open tender “Replacement of traction transformers of traction substation EPEV-3 “Vecāķi” un EPEV-4 “Salaspils””, identification No. LDZ 2022/70-AK

Announcement of the open tender “Replacement of traction transformers of traction substation EPEV-3 “Vecāķi” un EPEV-4 “Salaspils””, identification No. LDZ 2022/70-AK, please find in Latvian - „Iepirkumi” (in translation – “Purchases”) – atklāts konkurss „Vilces apakšstacijas vilces transformatoru nomaiņa EPEV-3 „Vecāķi” un EPEV-4 „Salaspils””:


Bid opening date: 
Wednesday, 2022.gada 11.May plkst. 10.00.
VAS Latvijas dzelzceļš