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The track maintenance and repair

Monday, 18 February, 2008

The track maintenance and repair

             The length of the railway lines of Latvian railway is 2269,8 km. The operational length will be increased after the construction of the second track line in Skriveri – Krustpils section. The construction is planned for 2008-2011. 

              To guarantee the safety of passengers and goods transportation the track have to be inspected, maintained and repaired on a regular basis. 

              Depending on the intensity of the trains, the profile of the track and the amount of cargo, after defined time period the track have to be repaired. The repairs include the change of the rails and switches and the renewal of the ballast bed. The repair works are performed gradually, step by step, with specialised equipment. That allows us to transport the passengers and goods with less inconvenience. 

               In year 2006 according to plans 60,8 km of the track were repaired and renewed. In several track sections 112 switches were changed and 19,3 km of the rails.

               Additional to the above mentioned works we also maintain and repair the buildings (bridges, culverts). In year 2006 LDz disposed 17,118 Milj. lats for the repair of track and buildings.
For the next year we plan to dispose 24,065 milj. lats for track works.